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How much do "Painters and Paperhangers" make?


Painters and Paperhangers make about $41,830 annually. The hourly wage is about $20.11. In the united states, the employment rate of Painters and Paperhangers is about 1.572 per thousand, with a total of 224050, Painters and Paperhangers. Check out the more info about Painters and Paperhangers salary below.

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Painters and Paperhangers

  • Hourly wage: $20.11
  • Annual wage: $41,830
  • Employment per thousand jobs: 1.572
  • Employment in the United States: 224050
  • Occupation code: 47-2140
Painters, Construction and Maintenance
    Hourly wage: $20.11
    Employment per thousand jobs: 1.572
    Hourly wage: $20.11
    Employment per thousand jobs: 1.572

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